Quitting Means Winnings

For the most of my life, I believed that quitters never win. If you quit, you lose not win. My parents often said, “If you start something, make sure you stick to it no matter what.” So, I tried to sign up for activities that I genuinely liked to reduce the likelihood of quitting and giving up. Unfortunately, I miscalculated my actions when I went to college.

I had some hard decisions to make. I had a year to think about my major, but it was tough for me to decide. My parents didn’t want to suggest anything because they wanted me to make up my mind. On the last day of the decision-making process, I chose to enter the university’s Chemistry program.

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Why Chemistry, you might ask? I went with it because I excelled in the subject when I was still in high school. The second choice was Creative Writing, but my parents said it might not be ideal for financial reasons, so I didn’t pick it. I know that I will have to think about full payment and all sorts of monetary issues along the way.

During my first year as a Chemistry major student, I must admit how enjoyable it was. I met a lot of successful people and smart folks, and I learned so much from them. I even saw first-hand that having a high level of intelligence couldn’t turn you into a geek automatically. However, things changed when I failed a subject in my second year and had to retake it the next semester. Still, I told myself I wouldn’t quit because I know it means I can still win.

My interest in Chemistry began to wane at that point, but I didn’t tell another soul. I should have taken it as a sign that I should quit and that I was never meant to be a chemist, but I didn’t quit. Instead, I smiled through the whole thing and made my friends and family believe that I was still in the game and winning. I said, “I will make sure to ace it next time around.” I thought I could still win to avoid quitting. The words win and winners has something to do with a positive perception.

Source: pexels.com

And I tried to make it happen, you know. I put in the effort so I can win. I studied day and night; I only rested when I slept or ate or traveled. My parents asked if I was alright, and I always replied, “Yes.” I didn’t want to seem like a failure and quitter in anyone’s eyes, much less to my family. After all, winners never quit.

So, as much as possible, I should never think about quitting because, in many cases, quitting means winning. I should instead spend time understanding new and challenging decisions in life.

Nevertheless, I eventually had to confront reality when I failed another subject in my junior year. It was a prerequisite for an elective subject that I wanted to take later, and failing meant that I’d have to extend my schooling for another semester. It sucked so bad so the point that quitting seems to be the only option and I can’t win this time; I could barely hide my self-disappointment to my loved ones. At the same time, that’s when I felt that majoring in Chemistry was not my destiny. Still, I could not let my parents know that I wanted to quit and find another path for myself because I was afraid of hearing them say, “I didn’t know we raised a loser.” I thought it would be an even bigger waste to quit now. So, for a few months, I forced myself to continue my studies, believing that I still had the means to win. I do believe that winners never quit because, for them, quitting means failure.

Source: pexels.com

Deciding To Quit To Win

‘Forced’ was the most appropriate term to describe what I did because I felt so down and didn’t want to do anything. I just wanted to quit. Little did I know, I was going to classes less and less. My life was falling apart. I couldn’t maintain my focus. Sometimes, I would wake up before class and come up with excuses to avoid attending it. Whenever my friends would call and ask where I was, I told them to mind their own business. I lied and told them that I was stuck in traffic or ill. My alibis became so ridiculous that my professors threatened to flunk me immediately if I didn’t go back to school at once.

Well, it wasn’t a huge pile of schoolwork that made me decide to quit studying at that moment. I didn’t care about winning or losing anymore. Instead, it was the fact that I didn’t care if I flunked all my classes. I was too numb to worry about what it would mean for my parents and what would they say once they learned about me quitting to win, too. I knew then that I need to quit with Chemistry; if I forced myself to study further, I might die (literally). Pass, fail, winning, flunk, none of it mattered to me anymore.

Source: pexels.com

When Quitting Means Winnings

I went straight to my parents’ house to tell them what had been happening to me and what I had been feeling for a while. I told them I want to quit Chemistry even if my quitting means not winning. Looking back, I wasn’t sure if talking to them about quitting and winning was a smart move, considering I didn’t come up with any winning plan. I merely thought that it was better if they heard the bad news about quitting from me directly.

To my surprise, my parents started crying and hugged me almost at the same time. They said they felt guilty for not noticing my ordeal. However, I assured them that it wasn’t their fault since I took up Chemistry independently. At the same time, I insisted that quitting school was the best winning decision for me then.

Source: pexels.com

My parents gave me their blessing to quit and win in a heartbeat. On that same day, I quit my current school year, moved out of the dorms and went back to their house. I took a leave of absence from school and decided to try my hand at creative writing for a long shot of winning. It turned out to be the wisest decision I had ever made, considering writing felt more like a hobby than a chore for me.

Because of that, I could confirm that quitting could mean winning sometimes.

I’m a better, healthier person now. The phrase “Quitters never win” doesn’t apply all the time. If you are someone suffering from mental illnesses, and experiences anxiety contributors which prohibit you on doing simple tasks, it is good to take a rest, quit if you must. Whether it is about quitting a job or quitting to win, the seek professional help. If your decision to quit can help, then do it. Remember, even winners do quit sometimes.

Quitting And Winning FAQs

Is It Okay To Quit For Mental Health?

How Do You Say You Quit Because Of Mental Health?

Should You Quit A Job Affecting Your Mental Health?

How Do I Feel Better About Quitting?

How Do I Stay Motivated After Quitting?

When Should I Quit For Mental Health?